Blazed thru the door
with the old west duster,
They said what's the password?
Tried to lock me out my home.
Pushed my prints to the screen
like the ID on my phone.
I hear around the corner
lurks a sudden death,
Just over my shoulder
I smell it's grisly breath.
Leaning on a busted nerve
Patience plastic, bones made of nerf.
I avoid eye contact with people
Lying that I'm the nature boy,
eyes averted, watching earth.
Old habits fall flat
poor choices die hard,
pork rinds fried in fat
fat sodas fused with lard.
I've put the smokes down
and cut the snakes off,
albeit fewer jokes, now.
They don't believe me,
they laugh and scoff,
"It's a hoax, pal."
To write or not to live my life? A question I have posed to me.
Should I publish works
with snarky words
to punish jerks
I'll never see again?
Petty me,
let it be,
run free my friend.