(On the Occasion of my Uncle Bill's bench dedication)
This day
is all we have
to live our lives
And we live it
thru honor,
To love the special ones
in our lives
all the more
is the best we can hope to do
to let them know that we are here
and we care,
And when they're gone
we keep them in our memory
and find different ways to love them
And we honor those
who are gone, but not forgot,
in a myriad of ways.
To take a walk
then sit awhile
is life itself,
in a shell,
Surveying the many manifestations
singing out thru incantations
Then we go forth
gathering the jewels of the soul,
The gold of knowing thyself,
We do
what we have said
we'd do.
Everyday we meet the sun
and stretch our hearts toward it
Because we have miles to go
before we sleep
and promises to keep,
And miles to go
before we sleep
and promises to keep.