So purposeful
this mind
in finding and defining
effects and causes
in its path.
That door jammed shut before me hasty,
so damn that inconsiderate stranger who failed to notice me and hold it
One time I cursed
a fiesty breeze
for rattling a rusty leaf
across a dusty gravel lot
which broke the silence,
startling me so much
so that my day
was verging ruin.
The cat at any moment poises claws and fangs against my naked skin.
When I think I’m freed of outside forces
doing dirty work,
the moon conspires
against my blood,
pulls it to its polar perch,
disrupts, contorts my inner flow, then drops me back on down to earth.
I hurt so much inside and out
in quiet times I want to shout
and scream to break the nasty tension
that resides above,
and inbetween.