Long day
End of a long week
Went for a drive
To bide me some time
And buy me some things.
Purchased the lot
And turned to go home
And right then I thought
Let's hit the bookstore.
So I passed thru the square
To get me to there
Perused thru a concert
A band playing country music,
There were children laughing,
Dancing with family,
That's cool, it was sweet.
Entered into Nobles,
First name is mine,
Looked for a book
To inspire the mind,
Went into the section
Called "self-help" and such,
I read a few pages
To improve the mood,
One bookcase over
A woman plopped down
In the section called "grieving and dying"
And how to get on.
I paused for some moments,
Pondering my approach,
Compelled to connect,
Then I cleared my throat to speak--
Have you lost somebody?
She said Yes, my husband.
Oh, that's horrible. How long ago?
She said just last week,
It happened suddenly at dinner
A heart attack, out of nowhere,
and that was that.
I gave her my condolences
Then I told her my bit
My Uncle just died
And short before that, my Aunt,
And my son Elliott
Going on 3 years now,
She said oh, that's horrible
Yes, isn't it all?
But at least you got out,
Picked yourself up
Got out the house,
It's been hard, she said,
especially for this one.
Her daughter came over
She said, Mom where are the comics?
I don't know honey, just look around.
She said, I'll be over there
when you're ready to go.
There's no script for this here
We all handle it differently,
She said it was nice to meet you
It's good just to chat.
I said if I have anything
meaningful to offer you
It's a poem I wrote
One I read at my Uncle's funeral.
I gave her my website
To look at my poem
It's there for you to read it,
Shameless self promotion, I know,
But I shared it
And she needed it.
Then I went on my way
And checked out the book I chose,
The Silence of the Lambs
It was the last thing
My Uncle and I spoke of--
Oh, The Silence.
Sheila remarked on your courage in opening such a conversation.
"Everybody sees you're blown apart; everybody sees the wind blow" (Paul Simon, Graceland)
but not everyone seeks "you" out to inquire in open invitation.
In ordinary moments of our lives unexpected epiphanies open to reality not in
our narratives. Keep in touch with those moments.
I don't know what to write. I hope you keep writing.
My goodness this was heavy. Heavy, raw, and beautiful. You write so well, bro. As you always have. I appreciate these mindful moments I get to stop and read these glimpses into your days. Absolutely love this. Absolutely love YOU!